Freeze Dried Saff Flower Flakes

Freeze Dried Saff Flower Flakes

7 INR/Kilograms

Product Details:

  • Type Dried Flowers
  • Variety Other
  • Part Flower
  • Color Bright-yellow
  • Click to View more

Freeze Dried Saff Flower Flakes Price And Quantity

  • 7 INR/Kilograms
  • 1000 Kilograms

Freeze Dried Saff Flower Flakes Product Specifications

  • Dried Flowers
  • Flower
  • Bright-yellow
  • Other

Freeze Dried Saff Flower Flakes Trade Information

  • 1000 Kilograms Per Year
  • 1 Week
  • All India South India Central India West India North India East India Gujarat Karnataka Kerala Lakshadweep Mizoram Meghalaya Manipur Andhra Pradesh Bihar Chandigarh Daman and Diu Goa Jharkhand Odisha Punjab Assam Delhi Dadra and Nagar Haveli Andaman and Nicobar Islands Arunachal Pradesh Chhattisgarh Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Nagaland Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Pondicherry Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal

Product Description


With more than 5decades of industrial experiences, we have been manufacturing and exporting ahuge range ofSaff Flower Flakes. These flakes are dried at our modern machining facility usingbest advanced low temperature cold drying technology, in adherence withinternational quality standards. OurSaff Flower Flakesare widely used in medicines forboosting immune system, purifying blood, treating measles and relieving thesymptoms of fever. We lay prime emphasis on the packaging of these flakesto ensure safe delivery at client's end.


High medicinal value

Premium quality

Hygienically dried


Our Fruits, Vegetables,Herbs, Flowers are processed with unique Advanced Low Temperature Cold Dried(LTCD) technology and are marketed in Cubes, Flakes, Strips, Granules andPowder form - when compared with sun dried or freeze dried , our products arefound to yield all the qualities like color, flavor, aroma, taste, rehydration,nutritional values and increased shelf life property to an unmatchable extenttaking it very close to the fresh ones and makes our technology the best dryingtechnology of the present era.

Our dried Saff Flower Flakes is processed with this unique Advanced LowTemperature Cold Drying Technology (LTCD) which incorporates stringent processof drying in a sterilized closed room at low temperature which ensures that theproduct retain their required color ,flavor, aroma, medicinal values andextended shelf life properties without any additives making it 100% Pure &Natural.
Our Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs, Flowers are processed with unique AdvancedLow Temperature Cold Dried (LTCD) technology and are marketed in Cubes,Flakes, Strips, Granules and Powder form -when compared with sun dried orfreeze dried , our products are found to yield all the qualities likecolor, flavor, aroma, taste, rehydration, nutritional values and increasedshelf life property to an unmatchable extent taking it very close to thefresh ones and makes our technology the best drying technology of thepresent era.

Instructions For Online Shopping

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Onceyou have select the items, please click the "ADD TO CART" button.

Maximumtotal cart weight is 50 KG.


Consumptionof safflower helps in boosting immune system, thereby giving strength to fightagainst diseases and infection.

Itis useful for relieving the symptoms of fever and is used as a drug fortreating measles.

Saffloweris known to be a good uterine tonic and hence, is used for treatingpremenstrual syndrome and correcting irregular menstrual cycles.

Sinceit contains very low saturated fatty acids, safflower oil helps in reducing thelevel of cholesterol in the blood.

Safflowerpaste is applied on the skin to provide relief from mild skin inflammations,rashes, and so on.

Saffloweroil is considered to be a good remedy for acne prone skin, reducing dryness ofthe skin and nourishing skin with moisture.

Dueto its richness in polyunsaturated fatty acids and essential fatty acids,safflower oil is used for massaging the scalp and the hair. This results indilating the blood vessels in the scalp, improving blood supply to the scalpand supplying more nutrients to the hair roots.

Saffloweralso acts as an expectorant and thus, reduces the spasms by liquefying thetenacious sputum.

Safflower is alsoknown to reduce pain, fever.

SpecificationsStorage Conditions


< 23C

Relative Humidity

65% Max.


Keep closed in a dry warehouse, free from infestation and not exposed to direct sunlight, Do not store adjacent to material that gives off strong odors

Testing Requirements

Parameter Tested



Standard plate count

< 40,000


Coli forms



E. coli



Yeast & Molds

Max. 100


Salmonella spp.




< 10


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