Freeze Dried Chopped Garlic

Freeze Dried Chopped Garlic

500.00 INR/Kilograms

Product Details:

  • Texture Dried
  • Processing Form Chopped
  • Drying Method Freeze Drying
  • Shelf Life 1 Years
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Freeze Dried Chopped Garlic Price And Quantity

  • 100 Kilograms
  • 500.00 INR/Kilograms

Freeze Dried Chopped Garlic Product Specifications

  • Freeze Drying
  • Chopped
  • 1 Years
  • Dried

Freeze Dried Chopped Garlic Trade Information

  • 100000 Kilograms Per Day
  • 7 Days
  • Asia Australia Central America North America South America Eastern Europe Western Europe Middle East Africa
  • All India South India Central India West India North India East India Gujarat Karnataka Kerala Lakshadweep Mizoram Meghalaya Manipur Andhra Pradesh Bihar Chandigarh Daman and Diu Goa Jharkhand Odisha Punjab Assam Delhi Dadra and Nagar Haveli Andaman and Nicobar Islands Arunachal Pradesh Chhattisgarh Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Nagaland Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Pondicherry Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal

Product Description

FreezeDried Chopped Garlic



Our Fruits,Vegetables,Herbs and Flowers are processed with a unique Advanced LowTemperature ColdDried (LTCD) technology and are marketed in Cubes, Flakes,Strips, Granules andPowder form. When compared with Sun dried or Freeze dried, our products are foundto yield all the qualities like color, flavor, aroma,taste, rehydration,nutritional values and increased shelf life property to anunmatchable extentthereby taking it very close to the fresh ones and makingour technology thebest drying technology of the present era.Our dried GarlicFlakes / Powderare/is processed with this unique Advanced Low Temperature ColdDryingTechnology (LTCD) which incorporates a stringent process of drying inasterilized closed room at low temperature which ensures that the productretainstheir required color, flavor, taste, rehydration, nutritional valuesandextended shelf life properties without any additives making it 100% Pure&Natural.Our Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs, Flowers are processed withuniqueAdvanced Low Temperature Cold Dried (LTCD) technology and are marketedinCubes, Flakes,Strips, Granules and Powder form -when compared with sundriedor freeze dried , our products are found to yield all the qualitieslike color,flavor, aroma, taste, rehydration, nutritional values andincreased shelf lifeproperty to an unmatchable extent taking it veryclose to the fresh ones andmakes our technology the best dryingtechnology of the present era.


Instructions For Online Shopping
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Maximum total cart weight is 50 KG.



Garlic is known tohaveanti-viral properties.

Garlic's anti-bacterialpropertiesmake it a wonderful treatment for cough and other throatirritations.

Garlic may alsoreducethe severity of upper respiratory tract infections.

Garlic is consideredtoregulate blood sugar levels by increasing the release of insulin in diabetics.

Garliclowerscholesterol levels and reduces arterial plaque formation.

Garlic'santibacterial,analgesic, and anesthetizing properties can help curetoothaches.

Garlic's abilitytofight infections and bacteria makes it an effective cure for warts and otherskinproblems.

Can be added toterrines, salamis, chicken,shellfish, pesto, salad dressings, vegetables,soups, sauces, pasta and meat.


Specifications Synonyms:

English: Garlic

Hindi: Lasun, Lahasun

Sanskrit: Lasunah,Rasonah, Ugragandha.


Chemical constitute:

The essential oilobtained from the bulb,contains allicin, diallyl disulphide (6%) allyl propyldisulphide (6%) andother sulphur compounds.



Bulblets: are acridbitter, sweet astringent,salty thermogenic, aperient anodyne, aolegenous, aphrodiasic,anthelmintic,expectorant



Bulblets are useful invititated condition of"kapha" and "vata" cough, whoopingcough, bronchitisasthama, feve, facial paralysis and constipation.


Packaging Details



Glass bottles

Small box

Large box

Industrial boxes of 2 x 10 kgs. In a poly linear bags duly packed in 7 ply corrugated cartons

Bag Markings

Garlic-cold- dried, product code, weight in kgs.


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